Shipping and Returns

Do you offer direct shipping? 

Right now I offer direct shipping for Face Reality products. Once you know what you want, send me a text or email with a list of the products you want, and I will ship them directly to your house and send you an invoice!

Glymed+ is very simple to shop from my website. Simply follow the “Shop glymed+” button on my site and it will take you directly to my glymed+ page. From there you just need to make an account and get shopping!

View both links on my SHOP page

What is your return policy?

My goal is for you to LOVE the products I recommend, so I’m happy to be somewhat flexible with returns to help you find something you really enjoy. Keep in mind, too, that most skincare products take about 4 weeks to start seeing results, as your skin cycle is about that long. You also may notice slight dryness or irritation from some more active products like retinol as the skin acclimates. This is completely normal, and I do my best to introduce products slowly but I also suggest you give your skin at least 4 weeks to adjust.

If you purchase a product at my recommendation, and it doesn’t work for your skin or you have an allergic reaction, let me know and I’d be happy to talk about returning it or finding another product that would be right for you! If you purchase directly from glymed+, they have their own return policy that you should review, and they do say sales are final after 5 days from receiving the item. (For these types of situations I’m happy to work out a solution where I give you credit in exchange for the product.) Face Reality also has their own return policy of 30 days for unopened products, so contact me for other situations.